Have you ever watched tomato war on foreign TV channel? It seems exciting and crazy. I can imagine what I will be in the middle of a war like that. Fox sauced tomato. Hehehe..
Btw, Indonesia has that kind of event too. But in here, they don't use tomato, since tomato price is rising everyday. Instead, they use cassava. In Indonesia, cassava is called "Ketela". The cassava war is part of a series of event called "Festiv-All Tela Indonesia 2011".
This event took place at "Alun-Alun Puro Pukoalaman", Yogyakarta, from 16-17 July 2011. Mainly, this event aimed to introduce hundreds of cassava menu variety and put cassava into a higher level as Indonesia food. They presented the visitors with 100 best cassava menu, along with cassava processing competition, drawing and coloring competition, photography competition and also cassava war.
The participant of the cassava war came from some communities in Yogyakarta. They used crushed cassava and spread it against each other. Eww...
This series of event was held in order to encourage Indonesian's love towards local cuisine. Besides, the cassava war has implied meaning to fight against imported products. In the future, cassava is hoped to be the new symbol of Yogyakarta tourism.
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