Movie Explorer Club is a film based community that cover all movie lovers, movie goers and movie makers. Now they invite you, together watch "Lukisan Keabadian" movie at Rumah Komunitas 3F. This movie is about love story between a painter and a mute girl, till death do them part. Due to the mute character, this movie offers not much dialogue, you can understand the movie through the scenes.
After the screening, you can also attend a discussion with this movie Director Rozi MF, titled: Making Film is Easy.
These event will be held at June 8th 2011, starting from 18.00-done.
Location: Rumah Komunitas 3F
Jl. Panglima Polim V/20, South Jakarta
(Near All Fresh / 711 / in front of Ayam Bakar Ganthari)
CP: Bayu (0817-12815)
More about Movie Explorer Club: @MoviesExplorer
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