What Happen to Jiffest 2011?

Now is already October, which means, there is so many Film Festival around; Q Film Festival, iNAFFF, OK Video Fest, Europe on Screen and some more. In Jakarta, one of the biggest Film Festival is Jiffest, which is held every year on the Q4. For this year, Jiffest was previously planned to run on 14-24 October 2011. According to the press release on last year's Jiffest, they got a huge donation to save Jiffest 2010 and also 2011. Now, the date is very close, but there still no news on Jiffest. There is no website at all, no further clarification and announcement on its Twitter account. 


Concert of TWO: LENKA!!

 Ehmm.. When I write this, I'm still feel like dreaming and happy and do'nt believe how lucky I am. I had just attend Lenka's concert!! She is the only singer that I want to watch live! During this year, from so many singer come and make a concert in Indonesia, from all the concert ticket that come to my hand, she is still the only one that I want to watch.

It  happened at Skenoo Hall on October 5th. At first, I think that I'm gonna watch it all alone, since there is NONE of my friend and colleague wants to watch her concert. Well I think, Okay, I will make some then. On D-1, my sister shocked me with a news: She wins a Lenka quiz and got ticket for the concert! Yay, I'm so happy for her, since she is a big fan too. Moreover, she also win a chance for Meet andGreet with Lenka! Uwoooo... I want it tooo... Hiks Hiks.. If only I knew, I will join the quiz too T_T I wanna meet Lenka so bad.

On the D-day, we got our ticket after a little mess when my brother change the online ticket for the real one. We go on 5.30 with hurry to Gandaria City. The gate is open at 6. There is no need to hurry actually, because everyone can have a good place inside. After we arrive, we still have time to take some narcisstic picture until we got tired and then find a nice spot to rest. And then, suddenly I find Valencia, my ex-colleague there! She went with her college mate. Waw,nice!

Her guitarist is drop dead gorgeous!!

A Glance About "Self Defense for Woman"

    Akhir2 ini, Jakarta sedang heboh dengan banyaknya kasus pemerkosaan dan tindakan jahat lainnya terhadap wanita di angkot. Berita2 ini so pasti membuat semua kalangan cemas, apalagi para wanita yang sering menggunakan angkot dan orang2 terdekat mereka. Kecemasan ini terlebih lagi dirasakan oleh orang2 yang mengenal korban kasus2 tersebut. Dalam hal ini, gw pribadi juga sangat merasakan shocknya karena temen gw sendiri uda kena dan kejadiannya masih di daerah kampus gw. Kasusnya sangat random, siapa saja bisa kena! Hal ini seolah2 menyalakan alarm gw dan teman2 gw akan bahaya yg selama ini tertidur. Oleh karena itu, gw mau share pengetahuan tentang self defense ini ke temen2 semua, terutama para wanita. Hopefully, tidak akan ada lagi yang terkena kejahatan atau pelecehan. Tulisannya panjang? Gak juga koq. Baca dulu baru comment ya. Hehehe.. Semoga berguna!

    Weekend lalu, tepatnya Sabtu 24 Oktober, gw ikutan talkshow "Self Defense for Woman"  di acara Social Media Fest di Fx Lifestyle Center. Talkshow ini diadakan oleh komunitas Ngerumpi.com, dimana pembicaranya, suhu Yohanes adalah salah satu orang yang doyan banget ngerumpi disini. Dalam seminar ini, beliau membahas plus mempraktekkan cara2 pertahanan diri bagi kaum wanita yang memang paling banyak menjadi korban akhir2 ini. Mau tahu tips2nya? Yuk mulai~

Social Media Festival

Are you an active social media user? Let's join in the Social Media Fest at FX, Senayan. This is a gathering and educational event of social media user. The participant comes from community, social&youth movement until personal user. The event itself run from 22-24 September and takes place at FX from the first until the seventh floor. You can find a lot of interesting booth and so many interesting workshops, seminars, talkshow and performance from the city's artists.


Jakarta-Japan Matsuri 2011

Matsuri is back!! This annual event is taking place in Hotel Nikko Jakarta and the closing will be held at Monas. The event itself has started from 18 September and will be closed on September 25th.


Jakarta Moon Cake Festival

Hi Event-hunter,

As I mentioned in the previous post, this month is really full of cultural event, all is very interesting and exciting! About those events, I will share just a glance with you, sorry can't make it on details since I'm working on a tight schedule recently. Soo, here is the first event I'll share:

Jakarta Mooncake  Festival


Korean Cultural Week 2011

Nah, I'll continue with a Korea cultural event, which will be held from 28 September-3 October at Gandaria City. It is called "Korean Cultural Week". This event is purrfect since they offer both modern and traditional culture of Korea.
The event consists of: 


Month of Cultural Event

Culture is the reflection of a country's spirit.

Every month in a year has their own unique characteristic. For example, December has a strong Christmas nuance. It depends on the people's activities too. In Jakarta, September is really a month of Culture, due to the number of cultural event I found here. Soo, after this you gonna find some post about Cultural Event in Jakarta on this September-October. Enjoy the culture when you can. Let's start it!